Angel Mary Babu

Pods stuck in ContainerCreating status - failed to assign an IP address to the container

In this blog, I would like to describe a situation where we faced an issue that the Pods are stuck in ContainerCreating state after the deployment in an EKS environment and How I resolved the issue...

Pods stuck in ContainerCreating status - failed to assign an IP address to the container

Pods stuck in ContainerCreating status - failed to assign an IP address to the container In this blog, I would like to describe a situation where we faced an issue that the Pods are stuck in Cont...

How to create Persistent Volume in EKS?

Prerequisite You should have a EKS cluster configured Kubectl command line tool should be available AWS cli should be available In order to create a Persistent Volume in EKS, we have to ch...

How to add an EKS cluster in Rancher?

Rancher is an open source software platform where we can manage the containerized environments. It helps to create and manage kubernetes clusters via Rancher. Also, we can import already existing c...

Tableau Three-Node HA Cluster in AWS

Points to note: All the EC2 nodes in the cluster should have the same Tableau server version. All the EC2 nodes in the cluster should have the same Linux version. Purchase an Sever Activatio...

ArgoCD setup in EKS Cluster

ArgoCD is a gitops tool to perform the deployments in kubernetes environment and it consists of three main components. API Server Repository Server Application Controller Prerequisite Y...

Velero Backup for EKS

Prerequisites AWS CLI needs to be configured in the machine where you execute Velero commands. Kubectl needs to be configured with the EKS cluster where you need to take the backup. Now we h...

Docker commands

Useful commands in Docker Commands: To build images from Dockerfile docker build -t temp-ubuntu . To list docker images docker images To remove an images ...

Github Actions Self Runner in EKS

Let’s create an EKS cluster, Create EKS using AWS CLI aws eks create-cluster \ --region us-east-1 \ --name cluster-new \ --kubernetes-version 1.21 \ --role-arn arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_ID...

How to install and configure Prometheus as well as Grafana for an EC2 instance?

Prometheus is one of the widely accepted open source monitoring tools and it takes metrics from the client machine using the node exporter. It displays them using Grafana which gives more visibilit...